
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Jaeger's Surprise Party

All three first grade classrooms came to a surprise party for Jaeger.  Everyone waited quietly in the lunch room for Jaeger to come.  When Jaeger arrived, we all yelled, "Surprise!"  Everyone chanted, "Jaeger is number one!  Jaeger is number one!" 

We will miss Jaeger while he is out for his surgery, and then home healing up from the surgery.  Get well soon, Jaeger!

Check out the pictures from the party below...

Waiting quietly for Jaeger to come.  Then...  SURPRISE!!!!

Jaeger gets to pick out his cupcake first.


Jaeger with some of his friends...

... and more friends...

... and MORE friends!!

Jaeger and Grandma Mary

Jaeger and Ms. Bennett

Signing Jaeger's poster.

Jaeger's Class

We will miss you Jaeger!  Come back to us soon!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Illustrating Stories With Play Doh

Kenny and Morgan make a Play Doh illustration from the story, "Cyrus the Unsinkable Sea Serpent."  Cool!