Our class has been studying the five senses... seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. We learned that our brain uses those senses to find out about the world around us. We did a taste test experiment to find out the different taste buds our tongue has. Do you know what the four flavors are that our taste buds can taste? Find out below during our "taste test"!
We tested our salty taste.
Our tongue has more salt taste buds than any other.
Our body would die if we did not have salt. |
Nolan and Tori try the salt taste.
Issac is trying a lemon. That's sour!
Makenzie tries the lemon too.
Kenny tried some bitter chocolate. He was brave to try that!
Andrew doesn't think much of the bitter taste!
Jackson puts the bitter chocolate in...
Then we tried chocolate that has sweet with it.
Ella thinks that tastes much better!
We tested the sweet taste with a sucker.
Our sweet taste buds are on the tip of our tongue.
...Jackson takes the bitter chocolate out!