
Friday, January 25, 2013

The Taste Test!

Our class has been studying the five senses... seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching.  We learned that our brain uses those senses to find out about the world around us.  We did a taste test experiment to find out the different taste buds our tongue has.  Do you know what the four flavors are that our taste buds can taste?  Find out below during our "taste test"!
Our four samples of the different tastes:  sweet, bitter, sour, and salty.

Alex and Sophi try some salt for the salty flavor.  Did you know that salty is the only tastebud flavor that our body acutally needs to stay alive?

Cayden and Iyana try the lemons.  Oooo, that's sour!

Brenden tries the sour lemon too.

Jose puts the bitter baker's chocolate in...

... Ewww, that tastes yucky!

Last we tasted some sweet suckers.  Now those were good!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Kitten!

Guess who got a new kitten for Christmas?  Ms. Bennett!  Meet Kelchi (KELL-chee), an 11 week old ragdoll kitten.  Kelchi means "moccasins" in the Navajo language.  As you can see, she has little white moccasins on her feet!  Check out the videos (in the video bar further down on this page) of Kelchi and Colter playing together.